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aND BE A powerful catalyst for change!
Your donation:
- PUTS “action” clocks in the hands of climate youth around the GLOBE
- gets world leaders to #act-in-timE
1) US / Global donors
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Select the amount you wish to donate.
In the "Suggest a Recipient - Fund Holder" drop-down menu, please select “Climate 2025 Limited”, and under “Suggest a Use,” please type in “Climate Clock”
Enter your payment details. Thank you!
2) UK / Global donors
To donate in Great British Pounds:
Click the button above
You will be redirected to our Action Network page, a secure page where you can donate in GBP
Select the amount you wish to donate and enter your payment details. Thank you!
CLIMATE CLOCK, is fiscally hosted by CLIMATE 2025, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 1239941 whose registered office is Electric Works, 3 Concourse Way, Sheffield, England S1 2BJ. Climate 2025 holds among others, NGO Source 501(c)3 equivalency determination. Climate Clock is also fiscally sponsored by The Movements Trust, a UK registered charity with charity number 1194447.
Climate 2025’s 501c3 intermediary in the USA is Chapel and York;
they will issue a 501c3 tax exemption letter for donations made in dollars above.